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A domain name is available for registration to any person, entity or organization, known as the domain holder. It is the responsibility of this Registrant to keep registration fees and contact information up to date in the WHOIS database.
To use MyDZHosting's WHOIS search tool, simply enter your desired domain name in the search box located on the main page of the WHOIS tool. This will give you essential information about the domain, such as its availability, owner information, and creation and expiration dates. If you manage multiple domains, it can be useful to download exportable lists from the tool to analyze large amounts of domain information.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is responsible for maintaining the WHOIS lookup tool. Founded in 1998, ICANN was established to meet the growing organizational needs of the Internet, coordinating the procedures and operations necessary to maintain global connectivity.

Since 2016, ICANN has managed WHOIS verification independently and is a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles. It is led by a committee of 16 members from various countries, and benefits from contributions from many Internet players, including communications service providers.

The existence of a WHOIS database is crucial for two fundamental reasons:

  1. It makes buying and selling domains easy. Players in this sector, often called "domainers", need a reliable means of communication for their transactions. A WHOIS search provides them with the information needed to contact the current owner of a domain name.
  2. The WHOIS database plays a crucial role in assigning accountability online. For example, if you suspect someone is using your trademarks on their website, the WHOIS database offers several ways to resolve this dispute by identifying the parties involved.